-Full Form of COMS is 3Com Corporation
You can get all the information about acronym or abbreviation of COMS related to all terminology where some of COMS Full forms can be referred here. At Freshhiring.com, you can get all updates on various acronym / abbreviation / shorthand for in general or specialized based upon your interest.
-Full Form of COMS is Communication Ocean and Meteorological Satellite
-Full Form of COMS is City Of Manchester Stadium
-Full Form of COMS is Check-out the fit of my slacks!
-Full Form of COMS is Crotchety Old Man Syndrome
-Full Form of COMS is Collaborative Ocular Melanoma Study
-Full Form of COMS is Continuous Opacity Monitoring System
-Full Form of COMS is Comscollaborative Ocular Melanoma Study
-Full Form of COMS is Cambridge Open Mobile System
-Full Form of COMS is Canadian Oriental Medical Symposium