Tips That Help You Enjoy Great Mental Health

1. Place value in you:

It may be difficult sometimes but know that you are important and unique - treat yourself kindly, be gentle and avoid constant self-criticism. Put some time aside to do the things you value - or identify them. Find a hobby or a project that allows you some quality time with yourself. Broaden your horizon by doing some simple tasks like a crossword puzzle, or spend some time in nature completing rewarding tasks - gardening is wonderful. Read a book or take an online language course. The key is to find time to simply be you. 

2. Balance mind and body:

Stay fit and active - take care of your body and your mind will reward you with better mental health.

Some tips: 

Eat well - make sure that your meals (and even snacks) are nutritious.

Give up on smoking and vaping (see cessation help).

Stay hydrated - and that means plenty of water.

Get some exercise - exercise helps to combat depression and anxiety - your mood will be better if you are active. 

A good night's sleep is key. You will feel energized and quality sleep helps to fight depression (studies of college students have confirmed this).

3. Those around you count.

Good people, those with strong family connections or a quality social circle are almost always healthier and better balanced than those who do not have that support network. Said aside some time on a regular basis to be with those who will support and encourage you. Don't shy away from meeting new people. Join a club, take a class, or seek out a support group. 

 4. Share yourself - give:

Reach out and help someone in need - or a group of people in need. Volunteering and being selfless help you feel better about yourself. You will be making a real difference to real people. You'll also have the opportunity to meet new people with this mindset. See 'Fun and Cheap Things to do in Ann Arbor' for some great ideas. 

5. Learn to cope with stress:

We live in stressful times. Each day news websites show us a world that can be overwhelming. We have less time than ever before and both our personal and professional lives are ever more demanding. Unfortunately, this does not seem about to change. There are ways to cope with that stress. Try One-Minute Stress Strategies, Yoga, meditation and Tai-Chi can help. get out into nature -- that has been proven to reduce stress levels. Spend some time with your pet (a walk in the park with a pet can help tremendously when it come to stress). Read a good book or start a journal -  it will remove you from the day-to-day pressures. Try and see the humor in the everyday - laughter reduces stress levels. It also gives your immune system the boost it might need and can even help with the management of chronic pain. 

6. Seek inner peace:

Empty your mind. Meditation, prayer and Mindfulness can do wonders. There are numerous websites and books that can help with strategies and some great pointers on effective relaxation exercises. These strategies can ground you, improve your state of mind and help you cultivate a positive outlook. Meditation is especially effective. There are numerous studies that show that it helps calm and can bolster the effects of therapy. To enjoy the benefits of a more spiritually centered lifestyle see spiritual resources on 'Personal Wellbeing for Students'. 

7. Be realistic with your goals:

Set yourself achievable targets in your academic, professional and personal life. Write these down. However, keep grounded - your goals need to be achievable, setting your sights too high can contribute to feelings of inadequacy when you don't meet all of those unrealistic expectations. Leave yourself some free time - do not obsessively focus on those goals - be realistic, balance is important. progressing towards your goals will give you a sense of accomplishment and a growing conviction about your self-worth. Free Wellness Coaching, which is available to U-M will help you set those realistic goals and keep track of your progress.  

8. Variety is the spice of life: 

Routine is good - it gives our lives structure. It enhances feelings of security and certainty. However, a change of pace or scenery can help to break the monotony of an overly structured life. Take a new route when jogging. Stop and smell the flowers. Get some friends together to take that long-overdue road trip, get some new art for the walls, visit a museum, try new cuisines. See 'Rejuvenation 101' for more ideas. 

9. Keep it clean:

Alcohol and drugs can seem an easy way to cope with stress. However, they are very rarely (in fact, never) a permanent and healthy coping mechanism - and in fact, they aggravate current problems and lead to more. Use alcohol in moderation - avoid other drugs that have not been prescribed for you by a medical professional. For further information, see 'Alcohol and Other Drugs.' 

10. Seek help when it all becomes too much:

There are very few people who can cope with stress and ongoing challenges by themselves. Seeking help is not weakness - it is a sign of maturity and level-headedness. Treatment is effective. Get in touch with Clarity Clinic of Chicago to start your healing process. Getting appropriate care is the key to coping with mental health issues or addiction. Those who seek care will have the tools they need to lead balanced and rewarding lives.

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