AF Full Form

AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Application Framework

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You can get all the information about acronym or abbreviation of AF related to all terminology where some of AF Full forms can be referred here. At, you can get all updates on various acronym / abbreviation / shorthand for in general or specialized based upon your interest.

AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Alexander Ferguson

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Akademi Fantasia

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Anisotropic Filtering

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Audio Frequency

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Aluminum Frame

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Alliance Francophone

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Augmented Formulation

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Anistropic Filtering

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Added Fluoroelastomer

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Air Freshener

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Attenuation Factor

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Anode Fall

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Automatic Filter

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Anti-Fall

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Across Flats

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Approximately Finite

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Array Formula

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Air Force

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Acceleration Factor

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Alternating Field

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Automatic Focus

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Akedemi Fantasia

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Agnostic Front

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Abraham Fund

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Astraea Foundation

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is American Forests

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Access Fund

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Arthritis Foundation

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Aakash Foundation

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Afghanistan

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Air France

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Atrial Fibrillation

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Autofocus

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Antenna Factor

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Anarchist Federation

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Arthacharya Foundation

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is After Ford

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Absolutely Fake

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is All Flat

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is After Foundation

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Agreed Framework

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is April Fools

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is After Fall

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is April Fool

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Angry Froggy

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Absolutely Fantastic

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Always Fun

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Alpha Flames

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Another Future

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is After Funimation

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Armor Factor

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Anime False

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is After Fantasy

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Action Figure

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Ancestral File

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is All Fake

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Auto Focus

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Alpha Federation

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Alternative Future

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Axis Future

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Alternate Future

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is After Life

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Active FIFO (First-In, First-Out)

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Accounting and Finance

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Argentina Fund, Incorporated

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Acid-Fast

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Adult Female

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Amniotic Fluid

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Aortic Flow

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Asked For

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Anti-Fatigue

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is After Effects

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Antistropic Filtering

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Atlanta-Fulton

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Advanced Functions

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Address Family

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Auto Finish

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Atrial Flutter

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Anti Fungal

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Airframe

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Aft Fuselage

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Authority File

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Authentication Framework

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Airway Facilities

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Active Fifo

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Auto-Finish

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Active Frame

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Assured Forwarding

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is At first

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is As F***

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is After Fate

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Anti-Fungal

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Align Focus

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Administrative File

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Augmentation Force

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Abbreviated Form

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Appropriated Funds

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Administrative Failure

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is American Forces

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Allied Forces

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Armed Forces

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Advance Fighting

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Amphibious Force

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Air Frame

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Aerobrake Ferry

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Advance Freight

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is American Flag

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Alabama and Florida Railway Company

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Alabama and Florida Railway

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Adaptive Frequency

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Arc Fault

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is Asian Fit

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AF Full Form - What is the full form of AF?

-Full Form of AF is American Air Filter

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