AV Full Form

AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Action Value

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Assessed Value

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Adjustable Volume

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Abstract Variable

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Asymptotic Variance

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Argument Vector

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Absolute Value

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Average

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Alphabetic Verses

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Audio Visual

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Authorized Version

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Aperture Value

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Amicalement Votre

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Antique Violin

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is American Visions

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Angel Voice

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Alexandria, Virginia

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Aggravating Version

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Armor Value

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Accepted Value

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Actual Value

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Assessed Valuation

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Annual Vacation

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Aortic Valve

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Avulsion

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is ArterioVenous

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Atrio-Ventricular

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Adjusted Volume

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Anti-Virus

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Access Violation

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Anti Virus

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Audio/Video

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Adult Video

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Acrobat Viewer

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Aspect View

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Anonymous Visitor

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Anti-Vomit

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Anti Viral

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Anti Vehicle

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Available Vehicles

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Avionics

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Aviation

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Autovon

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Asset Visibility

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Air Vehicle

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Audio-Visual

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Avco

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Advanced Vehicle

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is American Voices

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Average of Visual

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AV Full Form - What is the full form of AV?

-Full Form of AV is Additional Vulnerabilitieshttps

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