OMR Full Form

OMR Full Form - What is the full form of OMR?

-Full Form of OMR is One More Round

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OMR Full Form - What is the full form of OMR?

-Full Form of OMR is Optical Mark Recognition

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OMR Full Form - What is the full form of OMR?

-Full Form of OMR is Optical Mark Reader

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OMR Full Form - What is the full form of OMR?

-Full Form of OMR is Olchak Market Research

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OMR Full Form - What is the full form of OMR?

-Full Form of OMR is Optical Music Recognizer

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OMR Full Form - What is the full form of OMR?

-Full Form of OMR is Oh My Ra

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OMR Full Form - What is the full form of OMR?

-Full Form of OMR is Oracle Maintenance Release

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OMR Full Form - What is the full form of OMR?

-Full Form of OMR is Omani Rial

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OMR Full Form - What is the full form of OMR?

-Full Form of OMR is Optical Mark Reading

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OMR Full Form - What is the full form of OMR?

-Full Form of OMR is Optical Music Recognition

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OMR Full Form - What is the full form of OMR?

-Full Form of OMR is Old Mahabalipuram Road

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OMR Full Form - What is the full form of OMR?

-Full Form of OMR is Oradea Airport

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OMR Full Form - What is the full form of OMR?

-Full Form of OMR is Outermost Regions

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OMR Full Form - What is the full form of OMR?

-Full Form of OMR is Ontario Medical Review

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OMR Full Form - What is the full form of OMR?

-Full Form of OMR is Orbiter Management Review

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OMR Full Form - What is the full form of OMR?

-Full Form of OMR is Operations Management Room

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OMR Full Form - What is the full form of OMR?

-Full Form of OMR is Operations and Maintenance Requirements

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OMR Full Form - What is the full form of OMR?

-Full Form of OMR is Office of Mental Retardation

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