ORF Full Form

ORF Full Form - What is the full form of ORF?

-Full Form of ORF is Oral Reading Fluency

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ORF Full Form - What is the full form of ORF?

-Full Form of ORF is Open Reading Frame

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ORF Full Form - What is the full form of ORF?

-Full Form of ORF is Oceanic Resource Foundation

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ORF Full Form - What is the full form of ORF?

-Full Form of ORF is Opening Reading Frame

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ORF Full Form - What is the full form of ORF?

-Full Form of ORF is sterreichischer RundFunk (Austrian Broadcasting)

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ORF Full Form - What is the full form of ORF?

-Full Form of ORF is Olympus Raw Format

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ORF Full Form - What is the full form of ORF?

-Full Form of ORF is Old Retired Fart

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ORF Full Form - What is the full form of ORF?

-Full Form of ORF is Open Reading Frames in DNA sequences

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ORF Full Form - What is the full form of ORF?

-Full Form of ORF is Operational Readiness Float

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ORF Full Form - What is the full form of ORF?

-Full Form of ORF is Orifice

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