SDB Full Form

SDB Full Form - What is the full form of SDB?

-Full Form of SDB is School District of Beloit

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You can get all the information about acronym or abbreviation of SDB related to all terminology where some of SDB Full forms can be referred here. At, you can get all updates on various acronym / abbreviation / shorthand for in general or specialized based upon your interest.

SDB Full Form - What is the full form of SDB?

-Full Form of SDB is Systems Development Branch

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SDB Full Form - What is the full form of SDB?

-Full Form of SDB is School Digital Books

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SDB Full Form - What is the full form of SDB?

-Full Form of SDB is Scottish Dance Band

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SDB Full Form - What is the full form of SDB?

-Full Form of SDB is Seventh Day Baptist

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SDB Full Form - What is the full form of SDB?

-Full Form of SDB is The Schools Digital Books

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SDB Full Form - What is the full form of SDB?

-Full Form of SDB is Safe Deposit Box

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SDB Full Form - What is the full form of SDB?

-Full Form of SDB is Society for Developmental Biology

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SDB Full Form - What is the full form of SDB?

-Full Form of SDB is Sleep Disordered Breathing

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SDB Full Form - What is the full form of SDB?

-Full Form of SDB is Sheets Data Base

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SDB Full Form - What is the full form of SDB?

-Full Form of SDB is Structural Data Base

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SDB Full Form - What is the full form of SDB?

-Full Form of SDB is Student Data Base

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SDB Full Form - What is the full form of SDB?

-Full Form of SDB is Spacecraft Data Base

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SDB Full Form - What is the full form of SDB?

-Full Form of SDB is Shallow Draft Board

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SDB Full Form - What is the full form of SDB?

-Full Form of SDB is Shallow Draft Barge

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SDB Full Form - What is the full form of SDB?

-Full Form of SDB is Software Defined Buildings

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sdb Full Form - What is the full form of sdb?

-Full Form of sdb is Symbolic De-Bugger

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SDB Full Form - What is the full form of SDB?

-Full Form of SDB is Salesian Of Don Bosco

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SDB Full Form - What is the full form of SDB?

-Full Form of SDB is Satellite Communications Database

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SDB Full Form - What is the full form of SDB?

-Full Form of SDB is SCSI (Small Computer Systems Interface) Disk B

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SDB Full Form - What is the full form of SDB?

-Full Form of SDB is Systems Design Board

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SDB Full Form - What is the full form of SDB?

-Full Form of SDB is Small and Disadvantaged Businesses

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