UDP Full Form

UDP Full Form - What is the full form of UDP?

-Full Form of UDP is Ulster Democratic Party

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You can get all the information about acronym or abbreviation of UDP related to all terminology where some of UDP Full forms can be referred here. At Freshhiring.com, you can get all updates on various acronym / abbreviation / shorthand for in general or specialized based upon your interest.

UDP Full Form - What is the full form of UDP?

-Full Form of UDP is Undefined Destination Packet

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UDP Full Form - What is the full form of UDP?

-Full Form of UDP is Undergraduate Degree Program

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UDP Full Form - What is the full form of UDP?

-Full Form of UDP is Universal Data Port

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UDP Full Form - What is the full form of UDP?

-Full Form of UDP is User Data Protocol

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UDP Full Form - What is the full form of UDP?

-Full Form of UDP is User Datagram Protocol

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UDP Full Form - What is the full form of UDP?

-Full Form of UDP is Umpire Development Program

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UDP Full Form - What is the full form of UDP?

-Full Form of UDP is Unreliable Datagram Packet

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UDP Full Form - What is the full form of UDP?

-Full Form of UDP is Unreliable Datagram Protocol

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UDP Full Form - What is the full form of UDP?

-Full Form of UDP is Unreliable Damn Protocol

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UDP Full Form - What is the full form of UDP?

-Full Form of UDP is Uridine Di- Phosphate

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UDP Full Form - What is the full form of UDP?

-Full Form of UDP is Uridine diphosphate

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UDP Full Form - What is the full form of UDP?

-Full Form of UDP is Unit Deployment Program

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UDP Full Form - What is the full form of UDP?

-Full Form of UDP is United Democratic Party

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UDP Full Form - What is the full form of UDP?

-Full Form of UDP is Unidad Democrtica y Popular

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UDP Full Form - What is the full form of UDP?

-Full Form of UDP is Unio Democrtica Popular

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UDP Full Form - What is the full form of UDP?

-Full Form of UDP is Usenet Death Penalty

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UDP Full Form - What is the full form of UDP?

-Full Form of UDP is User Defined Procedure

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UDP Full Form - What is the full form of UDP?

-Full Form of UDP is UDP - User Datagram Protocol

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UDP Full Form - What is the full form of UDP?

-Full Form of UDP is Up Down Pair

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UDP Full Form - What is the full form of UDP?

-Full Form of UDP is Unix Data Protocol

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UDP Full Form - What is the full form of UDP?

-Full Form of UDP is Unit Deployment Package

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UDP Full Form - What is the full form of UDP?

-Full Form of UDP is Unitary Development Plan

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UDP Full Form - What is the full form of UDP?

-Full Form of UDP is UnderDrive Pulley

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UDP Full Form - What is the full form of UDP?

-Full Form of UDP is Usurious Department Of Protocol

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