VCF Full Form

VCF Full Form - What is the full form of VCF?

-Full Form of VCF is Volatile Compounds in Food

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VCF Full Form - What is the full form of VCF?

-Full Form of VCF is Value City Furniture

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VCF Full Form - What is the full form of VCF?

-Full Form of VCF is Vic Custombuilt Furniture

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VCF Full Form - What is the full form of VCF?

-Full Form of VCF is Voltage Controlled Filter

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VCF Full Form - What is the full form of VCF?

-Full Form of VCF is Vitae Caring Foundation

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VCF Full Form - What is the full form of VCF?

-Full Form of VCF is Valencia Club de Futbol

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VCF Full Form - What is the full form of VCF?

-Full Form of VCF is Virginia Chess Federation

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VCF Full Form - What is the full form of VCF?

-Full Form of VCF is Venture Capital Financing

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VCF Full Form - What is the full form of VCF?

-Full Form of VCF is Veterinary Christian Fellowship

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VCF Full Form - What is the full form of VCF?

-Full Form of VCF is Virtual Card File

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VCF Full Form - What is the full form of VCF?

-Full Form of VCF is Vintage Computer Festival

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VCF Full Form - What is the full form of VCF?

-Full Form of VCF is Visual Component Framework

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VCF Full Form - What is the full form of VCF?

-Full Form of VCF is Veracity Clip File

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VCF Full Form - What is the full form of VCF?

-Full Form of VCF is Voyager Client Framework

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VCF Full Form - What is the full form of VCF?

-Full Form of VCF is Vaginal Contraceptive Film

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VCF Full Form - What is the full form of VCF?

-Full Form of VCF is Vehicle Configuration File

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VCF Full Form - What is the full form of VCF?

-Full Form of VCF is Vevi Configuration File ( WorldToolKit objects)

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