VTM Full Form

VTM Full Form - What is the full form of VTM?

-Full Form of VTM is Valve Test Manifold

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VTM Full Form - What is the full form of VTM?

-Full Form of VTM is Valve Texture Material

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VTM Full Form - What is the full form of VTM?

-Full Form of VTM is Virtual Transportation Management, Inc.

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VTM Full Form - What is the full form of VTM?

-Full Form of VTM is VRB Transition Module

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VTM Full Form - What is the full form of VTM?

-Full Form of VTM is Vegetation Type Map

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VTM Full Form - What is the full form of VTM?

-Full Form of VTM is Video Training Module

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VTM Full Form - What is the full form of VTM?

-Full Form of VTM is Video Tutorial Manual

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VTM Full Form - What is the full form of VTM?

-Full Form of VTM is Vlaamse Televisie Maatschappij ( Flemish Television Company)

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VTM Full Form - What is the full form of VTM?

-Full Form of VTM is Virgin Till Marriage

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VTM Full Form - What is the full form of VTM?

-Full Form of VTM is Vampire: The Masquerade

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VTM Full Form - What is the full form of VTM?

-Full Form of VTM is Veritaserum

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VTM Full Form - What is the full form of VTM?

-Full Form of VTM is Virtual Turing Machine

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VTM Full Form - What is the full form of VTM?

-Full Form of VTM is Videotek Monitor

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VTM Full Form - What is the full form of VTM?

-Full Form of VTM is Viral Traffic Machine

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VTM Full Form - What is the full form of VTM?

-Full Form of VTM is Vigilance Telecom Monitoring

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VTM Full Form - What is the full form of VTM?

-Full Form of VTM is Virus transportation medium

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VTM Full Form - What is the full form of VTM?

-Full Form of VTM is Vibration Test Module

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VTM Full Form - What is the full form of VTM?

-Full Form of VTM is Virtual Team Meeting

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VTM Full Form - What is the full form of VTM?

-Full Form of VTM is Variable Torque Management

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VTM Full Form - What is the full form of VTM?

-Full Form of VTM is Virtual Transportation Management

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VTM Full Form - What is the full form of VTM?

-Full Form of VTM is Virtual Transportation Manager

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VTM Full Form - What is the full form of VTM?

-Full Form of VTM is Vehicle Tank Meter

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VTM Full Form - What is the full form of VTM?

-Full Form of VTM is Virtual Truncated Machine

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VTM Full Form - What is the full form of VTM?

-Full Form of VTM is Velocity Temperature Mapping

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VTM Full Form - What is the full form of VTM?

-Full Form of VTM is Vegetation Type Mapping

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VTM Full Form - What is the full form of VTM?

-Full Form of VTM is Volontaires Tiers Monde

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VTM Full Form - What is the full form of VTM?

-Full Form of VTM is Venice Time Machine

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VTM Full Form - What is the full form of VTM?

-Full Form of VTM is VVC Test Model

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VTM Full Form - What is the full form of VTM?

-Full Form of VTM is Viral Transport Media

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